In Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, where farming meets residential living, the House in Kashima is the result of centuries-old, woodcraft techniques applied to modern architecture. “The structure features a cantilever inspired by the Japanese traditional technique mainly used for building temples and shrines,” explains lead architect, Architect Satoru Ito.
To bridge the gap between traditional and contemporary aesthetics, Ito turned to Real Cedar siding and decking. Its versatility and timeless appeal made it the best material to complement both aspects of the design.
Eco-Friendly Japanese Architecture
In addition to honoring the site’s historical context, the Kashima dwelling is a shining example of how mindful design combined with the right building materials can enhance the quality of life for inhabitants. In this case, a couple with two young kids.
“We installed eaves and decks to connect the outside and inside seamlessly,” says Ito. This approach emphasizes the fluidity between nature and the living area, a key aspect of Japanese architectural philosophy. For the interior program, the clients envisioned a flexible living plan for their family’s future needs. Ito delivered this through a design that allows for variable room arrangement. He also delivered on the clients’ wishes for a home that boasts a net carbon sink.