Three Cedar Projects in Three Days with Colin & Justin

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 width= It was an ambitious building plan for design duo and TV hosts Colin McAllister and Justin Ryan – three projects in just three days. A two-car timber-frame carport, space-defining pergola and circular outdoor sauna were the trio of projects put together at Colin and Justin’s cabin at Drag Lake in Haliburton, Ont. Thanks to Western Red Cedar and a team of building pros, the projects went off – mostly – without a hitch.

“We’ve had an epic few days in cottage country on a somewhat ambitious ‘three days, three builds’ project in association with Real Cedar Discovery Dream Homes,” Colin and Justin wrote on social media before jetting off on a long-haul trip, which made meeting the tight timeline even more urgent.


Western Red Cedar a Favorite of Designers

The charming TV hosts Colin and Justin rose to fame in the U.K. with hit property flipping and decorating shows, but they took over cottage country with their Canadian-produced show Cabin Pressure. In the series, the duo purchase and renovate cabins in Ontario, and it’s as easy to be spellbound by their wizardry in design as their delightful Scottish humour.

The Western Red Cedar-framed double carport is a spacious and solid structure, while the pergola creates a defined and covered space on the patio. Colin and Justin installed what they described as a “sexy” sauna with a smoky, gray window to look out to the lush natural surroundings.


Projects Add to Property Value

Colin and Justin opted for the three projects to increase the value of their property and to add features that complement the existing cabin and its surroundings. Western Red Cedar was the perfect material as it ties in with the overall look of the vacation property. The pair opted for knotty cedar as it has a timeless charm and works with the lake esthetic. As well, in keeping with a natural ethos, they didn’t want to use any preservatives to maintain the materials – one of many benefits of cedar.


Several exceptional teams worked together to bring Colin and Justin’s vision alive, including Nicole Sokol and Shawn Hunter at Discovery Homes. They created brilliant architectural renderings and worked the entire scheme through the planning department. Log & Timberframe Homes, Greg Brown Construction and Dundalk LeisureCraft Inc. also helped with the projects, which turned out brilliantly thanks to nature’s most resilient building material. Each project offers inspiration for those wanting to install a Western Red Cedar pergola, carport or outdoor sauna at their own home or cabin.

Look for the videos chronicling three builds in three days in Spring 2018