Outdoor Project Preparation

Site Preparation Tips

Start With Solid Material

storing-sidingFirst things first, make sure you choose the right building materials for your specific project. With that in mind, it’s always best to buy a recognized grade from a WRCLA member – they know their stuff! Then once you get the lumber back to your site, be sure to inspect it for any kind of inconsistencies or damage.

Store Safely On Site

If there’s any gap in time between buying and building, it’s imperative that your wood is stored properly. Otherwise your beautiful boards may sustain UV or water damage before you even get a chance to get your DIY groove on. So to ensure adequate protection from the elements, it’s best to lay the wood flat, but stack it into some sort of a peak or tent a cover overtop to shed possible rain. It’s also very important to elevate the entire pile off the ground and cover it with some sort of waterproof tarp , but don’t completely seal up your bundle – air circulation is a good thing.