Western Red Cedar Decking Grades

Western Red Cedar Decking Grades

WRCLA Architect Clear™

The ultimate in durability and appearance. Its fine grained appearance will meet the needs of the most demanding clients. All aspects of manufacturing and quality control are performed to the highest standards of the lumber industry. Architect Clear decking should be specified when only the best will suffice. This exclusive product is usually manufactured to individual order. Available seasoned or unseasoned.

WRCLA Custom Clear™

A quality product that combines the stability and durability of Western Red Cedar with a sophisticated clear appearance that will please the most discriminating taste. Its finely machined surface shows limited characteristics which do not detract from its natural good looks. Custom Clear decking can be used directly on the job and is a natural for custom residences and other applications where fine woodwork is desired. Available seasoned or unseasoned.

In addition to these clear grades, some suppliers will also offer clear grades of A & Better, B, C and D & Better S4S for decking purposes.  They are usually furnished as A & Better allowing a % of B or C & Better allowing a % of D.

WRCLA Architect Knotty

Rustic charm at its best. Durable, well manufactured Western Red Cedar decking that comes ready to use. This sound and tight knotted decking limits both the size and quality of characteristics to meet the highest buyer expectations. The smooth, skip-free dressing over the entire face makes it the ideal deck surface. The top choice where the natural beauty and lasting charm of a knotty deck are desired. Available seasoned or unseasoned.

WRCLA Custom Knotty

Widely used by homeowners and builders, this category of knotty decking combines the high manufacturing standards required for deck boards with a hole-free knotty appearance. This category limits the size and quality of characteristics to provide an economical and enjoyable knotty deck. Custom Knotty decking may be applied as received and is a natural choice for home deck builders, residential builders and commercial applications where a durable knotty material is desired. Available unseasoned only.